This weeks Parsha is Parshas Haazeinu. In the Parsha we read the famous verse that is said by most Jewish funerals: “Hatzur Tamim Pealo ki kol derachav mishpat - (Hashem is) The ‘rock’ Whose deeds are perfect, for all his ways are just… (Deuteronomy 32:4) What exactly is meant to praise Hashem that all his ways are just? Is this a praise for us to give to the Almighty? Wouldn’t we expect this from even a mortal judge?
The famed scholar Rav Itzel Blazer explains that a mortal judge can only try to figure out what the just punishment for any given crime is. It is impossible for him to figure out exactly what the punishment for any given crime is. Moreover, a human judge can only measure the pain he is inflicting upon the actual defendant who is being punished. As far as anyone else being affected by the punishment, that is beyond the ability of the judge to measure. Although there are family members who will be affected, the judge has to punish the defendant according to his crime.
When Hashem judges, both these issues are not existent. A person gets only exactly what he or she are supposed to. There is no such thing as being almost the right punishment, or affecting someone else along with the defendant. The punishment Hashem gives is exact. Only the person who is supposed to gets it, and only according to the amount they deserve.
The Chofetz Chaim used to tell his students that they could never say that something that Hashem did was “bad”. Who are we to say it is bad? We can only say that it was “bitter”.
May we all have a sweet new year with no experiences that are either “bad” or even “bitter”!!!