Bensalem: Torah Above All
Bensalem boasts a vibrant Kollel of young Rabbis who are immersed in full time Torah study. Kollel is an institute for advanced Talmudic study.
Our Bais Medrash (study hall), the Zichron Yeshayahu Elbogen Bais Medrash, reverberates with the beautiful and timeless melodies of Torah study.
All of the Kollel Rabbis devote their nights to study with local community members either in a group session or via one-on-one study.
The presence of the Kollel in the community has positively impacted every aspect of Jewish life in the community at large.
Our Bais Medrash (study hall), the Zichron Yeshayahu Elbogen Bais Medrash, reverberates with the beautiful and timeless melodies of Torah study.
All of the Kollel Rabbis devote their nights to study with local community members either in a group session or via one-on-one study.
The presence of the Kollel in the community has positively impacted every aspect of Jewish life in the community at large.