Bensalem: Opportunities Without Boundaries
An eruv is a ritual enclosure that some communities construct in their neighborhoods as a way to permit Jewish residents or visitors to carry certain objects outside their own homes on Shabbos. An eruv accomplishes this by integrating a number of private and public properties into one larger private domain, thereby avoiding restrictions on carrying objects between domains on Shabbos.
The eruv allows Jews to carry, among other things, house keys, tissues, medicines and/or babies with them, and use strollers and canes. The presence or absence of an eruv thus especially affects the lives of people with limited mobility and those responsible for taking care of babies and young children.
Under the auspices of leading Rabbinic authorities, a kosher Eruv has been erected in Bensalem. The areas covered include the area south of Neshaminy Creek and north of the PA Turnpike, within Hulmeville Road to the east and running down River Road, Bristol Road, and then Galloway Road to the west.
For more details, see the map.
Our Eruv is checked on a constant basis, to ensure that it is intact and usable. Please call Rabbi Shabsi Sorscher at 215-758-1996 to be added to the list of people receiving a weekly text on the status of the Eruv before Shabbos.
The eruv allows Jews to carry, among other things, house keys, tissues, medicines and/or babies with them, and use strollers and canes. The presence or absence of an eruv thus especially affects the lives of people with limited mobility and those responsible for taking care of babies and young children.
Under the auspices of leading Rabbinic authorities, a kosher Eruv has been erected in Bensalem. The areas covered include the area south of Neshaminy Creek and north of the PA Turnpike, within Hulmeville Road to the east and running down River Road, Bristol Road, and then Galloway Road to the west.
For more details, see the map.
Our Eruv is checked on a constant basis, to ensure that it is intact and usable. Please call Rabbi Shabsi Sorscher at 215-758-1996 to be added to the list of people receiving a weekly text on the status of the Eruv before Shabbos.